Healing & Reading
During a Healing you can relax and receive. During a Reading you get an overview of where you stand in life and you can ask questions.
Is a healing for you? What will you get in healing?
There can be many instances when a healing could benefit you. It could be to get a problem healed literally. Like a headache or other physical problems you want to get rid off. The problem could also be mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
During a healing you receive support on a deep energetic level. A healing helps you in your process and work to become free. Sometimes a healing is even enough to solve a problem. Or it can support therapy or coaching.
You could see a healing as a moment of rest. You take a break from hard work. You don’t have to do anything, and you just relax and receive. After a healing you have a default. You know how it feels to be cleansed, have all your energy with you, not disturbed by energies of other people. If in daily life you feel different than this natural relaxed presence, you know something is off and you can decide what to do to go back to this natural state.
Because a Healing is remote, it can be received from anywhere.
Quick Fix – 20 minutes – €45,- excl. btw
Do you have a headache or a small problem?
This is your best option. This healing is remote and can be received from anywhere.
Care & Clarity – 60 minutes – €180,- excl. btw
Have you been dealing with a problem for some time and do you need more attention and clarity? I’m here for you.
This healing is remote and can be received from anywhere. At the end of the healing I will share my findings with you.
Do you want a tailor-made or in-person Healing session? Please contact me.
Is a Psychic Reading for you? What will you get in a Psychic Reading?
There are many reasons why my clients request a Psychic Reading. Maybe you have learned that there is something like an aura or chakras and you like to know what yours look like.
It might also be that you want to get an overview of where you stand in life. You are just curious and like to stand still like you do on a so called ‘point the vue’ when you are on a hike.
Maybe you have specific questions. Often, I get requests to give a Psychic Reading to people who have several job-offers from headhunters and they cannot make a decision. It might also be, that you have a big decision to make. For instance, stay in this job or become self-employed. And of course, there can be thousands of other questions.
It can even be that you are the head of a company and you want to have an ‘audit’ without having a consultant agency vetting your company for months. That is called a business reading. We can read the energy of your company and differentiate between the different departments and layers of functioning.
Whatever your reason for wishing a Psychic Reading is, you will come out of it with deep insights and a calm mind. A Psychic Reading is at the same time a healing in itself.
Do you want to know if this is something you would benefit from? Give me a call!
PERSONAL READING – 90 minutes – €285,- excl btw
BUSINESS READING – In further consultation